When President Trump first issued an Executive Order suspending the admission into the United States by individuals from seven countries, it was unclear how that Order would affect nationals of those countries already in the United States. Many specifically wondered how it would affect those with applications already filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
On Friday, USCIS issued its first official statement ensuring that it would continue to process and make decisions on applications and petitions filed by and on the behalf of nationals from the seven countries.
In its statement, USCIS stated that it: “[C]ontinues to adjudicate applications and petitions filed for or on behalf of individuals in the United States regardless of their country of origin, and applications and petitions of lawful permanent residents outside the U.S. USCIS also continues to adjudicate applications and petitions for individuals outside the U.S. whose approval does not directly confer travel authorization. Applications to adjust status also continue to be adjudicated, according to existing policies and procedures, for applicants who are nationals of countries designated in the Jan. 27, 2017, “Executive Order: Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.”
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